/// gluten free, dairy free/Paleo/vegan option ///
I've never been one to be ultra-strategic about what recipes I'm going to develop. I don't think to myself "I really think my blog is missing soup recipes" for example. I'm more "ooooh, mangoes have come in season! Must make ALL the mango recipes". I'm very spontaneous when it comes to deciding what to work on. Maybe it's something to do with a short attention span.
And so it is with the most recent recipes I've developed such as Black Rice Pudding and now this Mango Lassi Protein Pudding. Both feature mangoes heavily because once those babies are in season, I can't get enough. I'm hoping you feel the same way. Summer is not summer unless it involves mangoes. Lots and lots of the juicy, fragrant jewels.
Traditional mango lassi is an Indian drink serves with curries to balance the heat. It is ultra refreshing and utterly delicious.
This recipe was actually a happy accident. I needed a protein snack to take with me to student clinic as I'm finishing my naturopathic studies. I had made some goat milk yoghurt that didn't quite turn out (such is life when you make all your own food) and so I decided to just blend it with some mango and have it as a smoothie. I added in some fibre and then the next day discovered it had thickened in to a delicious pudding texture. Even better!
What I also like is that it doesn't have the same odd texture that chia pudding sometimes has. It's light and airy, almost like a mousse. So it's not really a heavy pudding as such. It's a perfect breakfast to make the night before, so you've got something ready to grab and go. It would go perfectly with some granola.
So, here is the recipe for Mango Lassi Protein Pudding. I'd love to hear what you think!
Serve with your favourite fruit or other toppings such as blueberries, toasted coconut flakes, bee pollen, pistachios...whatever you fancy. If you want to make it more therapeutic, add in probiotic powder and/or prebiotic powder such as inulin.
Mango Lassi Protein Pudding
- 1 cup 240g Greek, natural or goat yoghurt*
- ½ cup filtered water
- 2 large very ripe mangoes divided
- 2 scoops collagen hydrolysate powder
- 1 tablespoon whole psyllium husk
- 1 tablespoon ground golden flax
- Optional: dash of cinnamon or cardamom
- Slice one of the mangoes lengthwise along the seed. Reserve one half (cheek) of this mango, cover and refrigerate.
- Take the remaining 1 ½ mangoes and collect the flesh including from around the seed.
- Put all of the ingredients (except the reserved mango half) in your blender or stick blender jug and blend thoroughly for 2 minutes or so, ensuring everything is combined well.
- Refrigerate for at least two hours until chilled.
- Serve with your choice of fruit or nuts
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